Business Plan Workshop

Is your mind full of ideas? Does your business have great potential?

Are you having trouble developing your full potential? Structuring your ideas and expressing your dreams on paper seem challenging? Here you are at the right Address!

During the one-day Business Plan Workshop you will be shown the fundamental basics of creating a Business Plan, taught how to systematically think through your business concept and how to plan the financial implications.

Throughout the workshop and in the following individual coaching sessions Swiss and local BPN experts will assist you in creating your Business Plan.

This will help you gain a clear view of the feasibility of your business concepts. You will not only learn how to develop a clear, concise and customer orientated business vision, you will also implement your vision by applying concrete strategies and action plans. This comprises an analysis of the current market situation, the customer base, the direct business competitors as well as your specific strengths and weaknesses.

Method: Theory + Development of one's specific Business Plan
Duration: 1 Day
Price: -
Attendees: On invitation only

We hold our workshops monthly, please check the seminar calendar for exact dates
